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    Automatic press

    Cooking utensils > Automatic press > Automatic press

    Automatic press

    ?Ymzd350 / 500 Series automatic surface pressing machine is a new product developed by our company after extensive market research and soliciting user's opinions and absorbing the characteristics of various models at home and abroad.

    Ymzd350 / 500 Series automatic surface pressing machine is a new product developed by our company after extensive market research and soliciting user's opinions and absorbing the characteristics of various models at home and abroad. This machine is suitable for various food production units, colleges and universities, large and medium-sized canteens and catering units to knead and press various crisp and tough dough. Because of the special kneading transmission system, the dough conveying, folding and kneading are automatically and continuously completed, without manual turning and folding, which is sanitary and safe, and favored by users. It has the function of automation, and it is the ideal equipment for all kinds of pasta processing lines.

    Previous: Doughmaker
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