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    Flour mixer flour mixer

    Cooking utensils > Flour mixing machine > Flour mixer flour mixer

    Flour mixer flour mixer

    The machine is an ideal noodle machine for restaurants, hotels, colleges and universities, factories and mines, enterprise canteens, food processing factories to mix flour when processing noodles.

         The machine is an ideal noodle machine for restaurants, hotels, colleges and universities, factories and mines, enterprise canteens, food processing factories to mix flour when processing noodles. It has high efficiency, simple operation and convenient maintenance.

        The machine is mainly composed of frame, transmission part, agitator (mainly mixing blade I and II) and barrel part. The barrel and stirring surface leaf are made of stainless steel material to ensure no rust, corrosion, non-toxic and harmless during long-term operation.

        After the flour is put into the barrel, the cross distributed two mixing leaves rotate, turn the flour, form a vortex flow of flour, and evenly add water in a certain proportion, so that it is evenly mixed with the flour.

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