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    Blue blade

    Blue blade

    Blade scraping alias: high strength PVC tarpaulin, high strength PVC waterproof tarpaulin

    Blade scraping alias: high strength PVC tarpaulin, high strength PVC waterproof tarpaulin

    Features: high saturation, clear and delicate picture, bright color

    1)High strength, good ductility and flexibility. This unique property makes this material widely used in large-scale, high-end and fine commodity market.

    2)Smooth surface, strong ink absorption. The chemical properties of the material determine that it has strong ink adsorption, and can adhere with high strength under the condition of oily or water knife scraping picture ink.

    3)Physical and chemical properties are stable, mainly in antioxidant, acid and alkali resistance and cold resistance.

    Product use

    Knife scraping cloth is generally used for coating shed cover, light box, background board, wide advertisement picture in public places, etc.

    Previous: Emerald blade
    Next: Blue blade
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