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    Black felt

    Canopy products > Felt > Black felt

    Black felt

    The felt is made of corner cloth, which is processed and bonded (not interwoven with warp and weft).


    The felt is made of corner cloth, which is processed and bonded (not interwoven with warp and weft). The main features are as follows:

    1.It is elastic and can be used as shock proof, sealing, gasket and material of elastic steel wire needle cloth bottom felt.

    2.Good adhesion, not easy to loose, can be cut into various shapes of parts.

    3.It can be used as heat insulation material.

    4.It can be used as a good filter material. Because the density and compactness of felt is stable, it can be used to produce all kinds of felt parts.

    5.It has good wear resistance and can be used as polishing material.

    6.It is elastic, so it is glued by the principle of shrinkage. After fusing, it can be used separately according to the density and specification.

    7.It can reach the specified length and can be used for leather rolling belt and paper pulp suction belt.

    8.The thermal insulation of felt is good, which can be made into a specification of felt insole.

    9.The felt has the property of moisturizing and elasticity, which can be made into the sealing strip of automobile doors and windows and the sealing strip of central doors and windows. It is not woven, so it has good filtration and can be used for oil absorption. The bottom of ship oil barrel mostly uses felt to keep the ship clean. The machine parts are packed with felt with high whiteness, good shock resistance and noise reduction. The pitch of the instrument can be modulated according to the size of the felt.

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