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    Geomembrane impervious membrane

    Canopy products > Geomembrane > Geomembrane impervious membrane

    Geomembrane impervious membrane

    Geomembrane is a kind of waterproof and barrier material based on polymer. It is mainly divided into high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE) geomembrane, geomembrane and EVA geomembrane.

    Product Description:

    Geomembrane is a kind of waterproof and barrier material based on polymer. It is mainly divided into high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE) geomembrane, geomembrane and EVA geomembrane. Thickness 0.1-2.0mm, width 2-10M can be customized.

    Product features:

    The products have the characteristics of high strength, good extension performance, large deformation modulus, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, and good anti-seepage performance. It can meet the needs of civil engineering in water conservancy, municipal administration, construction, transportation, subway, tunnel, engineering construction, such as seepage prevention, isolation, reinforcement, crack prevention and reinforcement. It can be used in unconventional temperature environment because of its high polymer material and anti-aging agent added in the production process. It is often used for anti - seepage treatment of dykes and drainage ditches, as well as anti - pollution treatment of waste dump

    Product use:

    Environmental protection and sanitation (landfill, sewage treatment pool); water conservancy project (artificial lake, canal, reservoir); municipal construction project (underground construction project, roof garden, warehouse); landscape and greening project; petrochemical system; aquaculture; salt industry project seepage control.

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