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    Dense mesh dust screen

    Canopy products > Shading net > Dense mesh dust screen

    Dense mesh dust screen

    Dense mesh safety net, also known as dense mesh net and dust-proof net, is generally used in construction engineering.

    Mesh mesh

    Dense mesh safety net, also known as dense mesh net and dust-proof net, is generally used in construction engineering. Its function is mainly for the purpose of safety protection on construction site. It can effectively prevent the free fall of various objects on the construction site, Therefore, it is also known as "dense mesh construction safety net". It is mainly used for the peripheral protection of buildings in construction to prevent people or objects from falling and blowing dust. Most of them are green, and some are blue or a few are of other colors.

    Dense mesh safety net

    The dense mesh safety net is woven with flame-retardant polyethylene synthetic material, and the safety rope is lined around the net surface to increase the impact resistance of the dense mesh safety net. The metal buckle with hole is arranged inside the safety rope to fix the dense mesh safety net on the construction scaffold. The common specifications are (width * length) 1.5m * 6m and 1.8m * 6m. The quality of dense mesh safety net is directly proportional to the density. The higher the density, the lower the transparency, the better the quality and the higher the safety

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