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    Thermal insulation quilt

    Canopy products > Insulation quilt > Thermal insulation quilt

    Thermal insulation quilt

    The classification includes: insulation blanket, thermal insulation quilt, cotton felt insulation quilt, foam insulation quilt, fire insulation quilt, concrete heat insulation quilt, compound insulation, acrylic fiber insulation, greenhouse insulation quilt, and wool greenhouse insulation quilt.

    Insulation quilt

    There are:Insulation blanket, heat insulation quilt, cotton felt insulation quilt, foam insulation quilt, fireproof insulation quilt, concrete heat insulation quilt, compound insulation, acrylic fiber insulation, greenhouse insulation quilt, and wool greenhouse insulation quilt.


    Thermal insulation quilt can be used in greenhouse, greenhouse, automobile, door curtain, building, concrete, construction, engineering, road and other purposes.



    The greenhouse thermal insulation quilt is laid on the front slope of the greenhouse, which is mainly used for the night thermal insulation of the greenhouse. Therefore, good thermal insulation performance is the primary requirement for the thermal insulation quilt. Secondly, the greenhouse insulation is required to be rolled up after sunrise and put down before sunset, so the corresponding insulation system is also a kind of movable rolling system, so the insulation material is required to be flexible. Third, after the installation of the solar greenhouse insulation, it will always work in the outdoor conditions. Therefore, it is required to be able to prevent wind, water and aging to adapt to the daily wind, rain, snow, hail and other natural climate conditions. Finally, greenhouse insulation should have a wide range of material sources, low manufacturing and processing costs and market prices.



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