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    Waterproof tarpaulin

    Canopy products > PVC tarpaulin > Waterproof tarpaulin

    Waterproof tarpaulin

    The tarpaulin is made of high-strength polyester fiber biaxial warp knitted fabric and PVC coating. Its tear strength is 2-3 times higher than that of the current tarpaulin, and it can be used for 8-10 years.


    The tarpaulin is made of high-strength polyester fiber biaxial warp knitted fabric and PVC coating. Its tear strength is 2-3 times higher than that of the current tarpaulin, and it can be used for 8-10 years. The material has the properties of waterproof, sunscreen, aging resistance, corrosion resistance and strong color fastness. It can also be processed by different processes according to special requirements, so that it has the functions of high cold resistance, self-cleaning and antifouling, infrared resistance, heat preservation and insulation.

    On the woven high-strength polyester biaxial fabric, the surface of the fabric is coated with 6-7 layers by scraping technology. The biggest advantage is that the coating is directly scraped on the fabric to enhance the peeling strength. Many colors are available.

    Product use
    1.Cargo tarpaulin for cars, trains and ships
    2.The utility model can be used for covering the open-air warehouses of the station wharf Harbor Airport.
    3.It can be used to build temporary granaries and cover various crops in the open air
    4.It can be used as materials for building temporary sheds and warehouses on various construction sites such as power construction sites.
    5.It can be used to process tents for camping and outer sheath of various machines and equipment.
    Product features and points for attention
    1. It has the functions of waterproof and mildew proof, and has the characteristics of light material, high tensile strength, acid and alkali resistance, high temperature resistance, easy to wash and fold, etc.

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