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    Conveyor belt of 1000 type pure rubber chopper

    Rubber products > Conveyor belt of vegetable chopper > Conveyor belt of 1000 type pure rubber chopper

    Conveyor belt of 1000 type pure rubber chopper

    The environmental protection and food grade conveyor belt independently developed by Shandong Yanxin Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is refined from natural rubber, which has the advantages of more cutting resistance, wear resistance, aging resistance and no slag falling than the ordinary conveyor belt, and has obtained the national patent right.

    The environmental protection and food grade conveyor belt independently developed by Shandong Yanxin Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is refined from natural rubber, which has the advantages of more cutting resistance, wear resistance, aging resistance and no slag falling than the ordinary conveyor belt, and has obtained the national patent right.

    The conveyor belt of our company has passed the inspection of Shandong entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau and exceeded the national food hygiene standard. It can be directly used to cut vegetables, fruits, herbs and other foods.

    The company has won a number of national invention patents, utility model patents, integrity members and other honors, and has its own production site, equipment and other convenient customers to purchase customized, come to negotiate.


    Product information


    Conveyor belt of food grade chopper (rubber conveyor belt, chopper conveyor belt, chopper accessories)

    Texture of material

    Natural rubber


    Green, white, red, yellow, transparent (pure glue) can be customized


    660 cutting machine, 1000 cutting machine, 2000 cutting machine, special processing and customization

    The specific dimensions are as follows

    1000 cut vegetable belt


    1000 type pressed vegetable belt


    660 cut vegetable belt


    660 type pressed vegetable belt


    Lengthened 660 type vegetable cutting belt


    Lengthened 660 type vegetable cutting belt


    Special conveyor belt


    Special conveyor belt

    217*5400*5 mm

    217*3200*5 mm

    306*3600*8 mm

    317*6000*8 mm

    318*3200*8 mm

    325*2200*8 mm

    390*3220*10 mm

    420*1600*8 mm

    420*2440*8 mm

    450*2200*8 mm

    470*4600*8 mm

    475*2200*8 mm

    500*2200*8 mm

    515*2200*8 mm

    515*2480*8 mm

    517*2200*8 mm

    517*2800*8 mm

    520*2200*8 mm

    590*2250*8 mm

    600*2200*8 mm

    600*3100*8 mm

    Special conveyor belt can be processed and customized by telephone:18366197667

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